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Veiled World - Actively recruiting Humans, Hunters & Vampires [08 Dec 2016|10:46pm]

Veiled World

The supernatural is all around us, vampires and werewolves live next door to you and to be honest, your senator's likely a vampire, incubi and merfolk serve you coffee in your favourite coffee shop . That alternative looking woman that runs the herbal shop down the road? She's a sixth generation witch. The bank manager that sort of weirded you out but looked excited when you handed over your family jewels to put in a safety deposit box? Yeah... good luck getting that back: you just handed grandma's gold to a dragon.

The Supernatural Government kept peace for years, brokering a tentative peace between all of the supernatural races and making sure that they stayed out of the light, as it were, out of sight. Ten years ago, a number of the elected officials were executed, assassinated by an unknown party. The peace that had been on a knife's edge was shattered and now the supernatural world is at war within itself. It's an underground war, but a war all the same.

Welcome to the war.
Can you survive?

Whose side are you on?
Game Premise // Current Cast
Mod Journal // IC Journal // OOC Journal

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[08 Dec 2016|11:33pm]
Looking for lines over at [info]rivalry.

This is my Joji Miller PB. You might know him best as Filthy Frank. He has Joji as his credits, which includes his Filthy Frank / Pink Omega credits.

I'm looking for someone willing to pb as Max Stanley aka Maxmoefoe or Ian Carter aka Idubbbz. I'd prefer them over at New Millennium Records but ACE could be interesting as well. What they do there is up to you but I would like to discuss it first.

Also possibly looking for someone to play as my characters biological brother. Heavy Christian background, would need to be half Japanese. Prefer them to be working for the rival record company in some way, whether as an artist or producer or anything really.

You can hit me up on AIM at TerrorAndBlythe or leave me a reply here and I'll get back to you.
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