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[31 Oct 2016|09:19pm]

Welcome to the Nexus!

Connecting all the universes and all the galaxies in all the space is a single nexus at their center. Some theorizes all universes came from this nexus while others are convinced the nexus simply sucked in bits and pieces of all the realities and timelines and universes out there to become what it is now: a conglomeration of cultures, species, and knowledge from all across the galaxies. If anything is possible anywhere, it's possible here.


The Nexus is a character driven game set in a place that combines aspects of fantasy, science fiction, slice of life, romance, and horror to create a game that hopefully has something for everyone. We do allow fandom characters but we are not a panfandom game in the traditional sense, as we heavily encourage OCs to join.

If you have a homeless character, a character that doesn't fit into any of the current games out there, a character you wanted to keep playing after a game closed, a character you made for a game that never opened ... this might be the place for you!

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[ viewing | October 31st, 2016 ]
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