Roleplay ads!'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Roleplay ads!

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[17 Oct 2016|03:43am]
[info]housecups Original Hogwarts GPSL still a bit in the works, but now accepting holds and ads will be done as we get them.
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it's my birthday today and i'd love for a long-term nilsvey line :( [17 Oct 2016|08:47am]
anyone want to make my birthday wish come true and play davey havok for me? i'll do pb even
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[17 Oct 2016|10:31pm]
[info]sauvagecity An alpha or beta as a potential future mate for this adorkable omega superhuman. Older male preferred. Also looking for other lines. More info on her here
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[ viewing | October 17th, 2016 ]
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