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[10 Sep 2016|11:11am]
something for chester bennington
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[10 Sep 2016|12:51pm]
would anyone consider pbing/celebing joanna angel, jessie lee, or this girl by the name of sofi vondoom? i have photos if anyone would consider playing one of them, and i have a screened post up in this journal!
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[10 Sep 2016|03:05pm]
As chaos and fear rule Hogwarts, there are some of those who fight back. The DA is still recruiting and still urging those who can to fight against their oppressors and take back their rights. Even the reign of the Death Eaters are poised to take over Hogwarts, the decision on which side to choose rests on the shoulders of the students. Will they decide to do what is right and fight for their rights? Or what is easy and give into the power that rules?

[info]counteraction is a canon compliant Deathly Hollows Harry Potter RPG. We will be focusing on the lives of the students at Hogwarts as the war slowly creeps into their daily routines. There will be opportunities for recruitment in both the DA and the IS. This will be a darker game with over all war themed elements with a sprinkling of social aspects threaded through.

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arrow peeps [10 Sep 2016|05:23pm]
[info]modsofsalem looking for a felicity smoak, john diggle, sara lance, malcolm merlyn, tommy merlyn, or anyone else from the dctv universe. hit up journal's contact post for any questions!
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Veiled World - Actively seeking Vampires, Mer-Folk & Humans [10 Sep 2016|06:46pm]

Veiled World

The supernatural is all around us, vampires and werewolves live next door to you and to be honest, your senator's likely a vampire, incubi and merfolk serve you coffee in your favourite coffee shop . That alternative looking woman that runs the herbal shop down the road? She's a sixth generation witch. The bank manager that sort of weirded you out but looked excited when you handed over your family jewels to put in a safety deposit box? Yeah... good luck getting that back: you just handed grandma's gold to a dragon.

The Supernatural Government kept peace for years, brokering a tentative peace between all of the supernatural races and making sure that they stayed out of the light, as it were, out of sight. Ten years ago, a number of the elected officials were executed, assassinated by an unknown party. The peace that had been on a knife's edge was shattered and now the supernatural world is at war within itself. It's an underground war, but a war all the same.

Welcome to the war.
Can you survive?

Whose side are you on?
Game Premise // Current Cast
Mod Journal // IC Journal // OOC Journal

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[10 Sep 2016|09:42pm]
Would love a Nick Necro, Chas Chandler, Deadman, Spectre, Batman, Wonder Woman, etc. for either of the games I've got Constantine at!
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