Roleplay ads!'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Roleplay ads!

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[12 Jun 2016|05:30am]
would someone play caroline burt, jenna king, audry kitching, mandy murders, hanna-beth, or lexus against ronnie? i'll also do slash
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[12 Jun 2016|05:36am]
would someone play colton haynes or zac efron against dave franco?
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[12 Jun 2016|06:16am]
would someone play daniel radcliffe against tom felton or dane dehaan
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[12 Jun 2016|01:59pm]
thinking of joining biography or production and wanted to see if i can get someone to apply with me or if you're already there thats fine! i do femme, het and slash!
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[ viewing | June 12th, 2016 ]
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