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Roleplay ads!

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[22 May 2016|06:33am]
anyone play alt models, drag queens, pornstars, or slash band guys like john Gomez, Andy biersack, Pete, any of the dudes in 5sos?
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[22 May 2016|06:42am]
Something for this guy
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[22 May 2016|06:50am]
would someone play someone against ronnie radke? het/slash. I'd love a Craig or Max
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[22 May 2016|08:55am]
has anyone heard of the bands death valley high or vampires everywhere?
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[22 May 2016|10:47am]
would anyone do a get line where my guys in a band and your girl is a groupie or a slash line where it's kind of like warped and they're band rivals but hook up from time to time?
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[22 May 2016|03:24pm]
looking for something for this guy, his band isn't really well known but i saw them play for the first time and they're amazing! that's what band he's in and i'd love someone all tatted up (het or slash) model, other band guy etc. its something new, so it won't be a cliche type line
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[22 May 2016|03:47pm]
i wanted to find someone that actually knows who orgy is (yes they're still a band and they've been touring for awhile now) i want to play jay the singer. so if you know who they are i'd really like to work something out! i'm a picky person on faces, models(alternative and fashion), porn-stars (tattooed as well) etc. i'm open-minded to faces though
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[22 May 2016|04:44pm]
does anyone play monami frost, hanna beth, jac vanek, or audrey kitching?
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[22 May 2016|06:37pm]
something slash for Joe
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[22 May 2016|06:44pm]
Selena, Ariana, one of his dancers, Kylie, Kendall, other suggestions and yes I do slash too
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[22 May 2016|07:05pm]
anything for Dave Navarro
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no flakes i want to scene! [22 May 2016|07:50pm]
I'll do aim or threading, I just really want to play Jay. I'm looking to write with someone whose a fan.
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