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Triangle Island - a modern paranormal rp [01 May 2016|02:08am]
a modern paranormal rpg
Welcome to Triangle Island, refuge for all lost souls. Here the hordes of the paranormal can live normal lives, out in the open without fear of persecution from small minded humans. Sure, there are turf wars now and again. Yes, sometimes the strong prey on the weak. But overall, it's just your normal island city, hidden from humanity and open to those who need it's protection.

opens at 10 characters
davey_jones | triangle_island | triangle_net
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[01 May 2016|11:34am]
Looking for fandom GAMES or PSLS! All the pertinent info is in my journal but here's who I want to play most right now:

HARRY POTTER: Hermione Granger/Weasley, Ginny Weasley/Potter, Bellatrix Black/Lestrange
SUPERNATURAL: Anna Milton, Ruby
TEEN WOLF: Erica Reyes, Kate Argent
DOCTOR WHO: Rose Tyler, Donna Noble
OUAT: Belle, Maleficent, Ruby
HEROES: Niki/Jessica Sanders, Daphne Millbrook

(I would kill for a dark Hermione/Ron line, a Ruby/Dean, Erica/Isaac, Rose/Jack, or current canon Daphne/Matt.)

also, if you want to play against my OCs, i have a modern paranormal/supernatural game i'm getting off the ground: [info]triangle_island
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[ viewing | May 1st, 2016 ]
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