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Cedar Ridge: A Supernatural BDSM Game [14 Mar 2016|02:30am]

Times are changing.

Before time was even recorded there were humans and monsters. They lived side by side without the humans even knowing. Human only knew that the darkness hid the evil but they didn't know what evil there was. Thousands of years later monsters, or Supernatural as they would like be called now, rule the earth. Humans are slaves and given no free will of their own. There are little pockets of resistances but they are slowly dying out.

Tucked away in the quiet Rocky Mountains is Cedar Ridge. It is a medium sized town with shops and restaurants. Like all towns in the United States slavery is legal there, but city ordinances are lax. Humans have more rights here, depending on their master's whim. Some have even taken up jobs in local shops, restaurants, and even police stations. But the death of the Council Head is about to change all that. A new Council Head has been elected and he promises to turn back the clock on human rights. Will she be able to? Or will the people of Cedar Ridge fight back?

Will you be a part?

Premise // Holds // Character List // Application // Rules & F.A.Q
Wanted Characters // Mod Journal // OOC Journal // Net Journal // IC Journal

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[14 Mar 2016|02:55pm]

"Ordinary. Wizarding. Level. Examinations.
More commonly known as 'O.W.L.s.'.
Study hard and you will be rewarded.
Fail to do so and the consequences may be…

Exams are looming at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,
but the students have a little more on their plate to worry about:
They're losing their magic!

Without the ability to perform even the simplest of spells,
how will Harry Potter and his friends defend themselves
and their school against the lingering followers
of You-Know-Who that are slowly closing in...

A non-epilogue compliant Harry Potter Game

Running since August 2015.
Plagued is an active, ongoing, Hogwarts-based Harry Potter RPG
with an extremely friendly, welcoming and creative community.

Wanted: Ginny Weasley, Terry Boot, Oliver Wood,
Astoria Greengrass, Zacharias Smith, OC, ghosts, and loads more!

Premise | Available Characters | Wanted Lines | Current Cast
The "Grab-Me" Policy | Recent Events
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[14 Mar 2016|08:00pm]
Montreal is a city under siege. When the Archangel Michael walked off the job to join the other team, Lucifer began a campaign of invading mortal cities with armies of demons. Montreal was one of them, now occupied by an ad hoc government of archdemons and fallen angels. The streets are chaotic and humans are scrambling for ways to defend themselves.

God is silent. The remaining good angels are on their own.

Montreal is home to a 17th-century vampire coven, a wealthy and powerful family whose twisted ancestry carries both angelic and demonic blood, a secretive community of witches and other magic-workers, and a few underground saints and scholars. But it's here that the angels are taking their stand, along with anyone else who wants to join the fight.

Pick a side. Or don't. You're probably doomed anyway.

Open now!

[info]cityofsaintsnet [info]cityofsaintsooc [info]cityofsaintsrp
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[ viewing | March 14th, 2016 ]
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