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[06 Mar 2016|07:59pm]
There lived an evil monstrosity by the name of Lucian Morgenstern who reigned over the city of Pandora as its villain. An extraordinary human with demonic blood from his father's side, he grew to be a powerful voice and used such power to get what he wanted. He thieved and murdered without hesitation, quickly becoming the highest threat to the supernatural world. Fearing his actions would one day risk the reveal of their supernatural realm, authorities finally captured him in the winter of 2015 and sentenced him to death. But he wouldn't go without a fight.

His last days were spent in a prison that held the deadliest supernatural beings on the planet. This prison, known as Pandora's Box, kept the largest risks to humanity under lock and key. But no one knew Lucian's strength and, just before he was killed, he successfully released each of the prisoners. While Lucian was killed, hundreds of supernatural villains took his place and heightened the urgency of evil. Evil has taken over Pandora, but all hope is not lost. In a war of good vs. evil, who will win?
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