Roleplay ads!'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Roleplay ads!

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[07 Jan 2016|05:35am]
would I be able to get another musician for tyler from neon trees?
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[07 Jan 2016|05:45am]
would someone play miley, selena, arianna, or maybe a fan boy or another male musician (zayn, niall, liam, harry) against justin bieber?
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[07 Jan 2016|05:55am]
would someone play an alt model (heavily tattooed/pierced), porn star, or super model
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[07 Jan 2016|06:12am]
would anyone possibly consider playing hanna-beth, audrey kitching, jac vanek, either of the millionare girls, jess/lisa from the veronicas?
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[ viewing | January 7th, 2016 ]
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