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Roleplay ads!

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[17 Dec 2014|07:13am]
would someone play colton haynes, zac efron, or james franco against dave?
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[17 Dec 2014|12:10pm]


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Seattle; Drop by Drop - Original Supernatural RP [17 Dec 2014|12:21pm]
We've got new stuff coming soon, from half demon types to more purchaseable abilities, and more!


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[17 Dec 2014|04:34pm]
Urbanite is a networking site meant to connect residents from urban cities around the country. What's that you say? Facebook does the same thing? Well one of the perks many of being a member of urbanite is, that along with a journal membership, you get discounts on travel to all cities in the network, as well as deals for different attractions, hotels, and restaurants! It's just one way that urbanite promotes being a truly connected community.

Atlanta, Georgia

Boston, Massachusetts

Chicago, Illinois

Las Vegas, Nevada

Los Angeles, California

New York City, New York

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Seattle, Washington

[info]urbanite is a small community whose goal is to create a home for characters and players of all backgrounds who love to write and see their characters develop.
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[17 Dec 2014|05:05pm]
looking for a longterm slash or femme line. pb/celeb
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[17 Dec 2014|07:46pm]

Portland Project

Rules & Faqs
The world which you inhabit is under threat, though you couldn't possibly have begun to realize it yet. Tiny tears are appearing in the fabric of the universe and people from far flung dimensions have been torn from their realities, through these wormholes, and have been brought to this time and this space. Portland.

Not the Portland with which you might be familiar with, however. This Portland exists hundreds of thousands of light years from the world you are from and the properties of this dimension are, as yet, unknown to you. Although familiar in many ways you will encounter things you couldn't possibly expect, or think could be real, and you will meet people with strange powers far different from any you have seen before.

This is a world where anything is possible and all your dreams, or nightmares, might easily come true.


The Portland Project is a pan-fandom role playing game set in an alternate universe version of Portland, Oregon.

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[ viewing | December 17th, 2014 ]
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