Roleplay ads!'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Roleplay ads!

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[06 Dec 2014|05:00am]
something for justin bieber het/slash
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[06 Dec 2014|09:44am]

Press your luck?

Or play it safe?

| Premise | Facilities | Layout/Services | Jobs |

| Taken/Held | Rules | Apply | Mod Drop Box |
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[06 Dec 2014|12:12pm]
would someone play hilary, nick, aj, another musician or model against aaron? older men would be great too!
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[06 Dec 2014|05:29pm]
[info]westminster brand new london-based game opening tomorrow! we welcome all nationalities. get your adds and apps in!
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[ viewing | December 6th, 2014 ]
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