Roleplay ads!'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Roleplay ads!

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[23 Sep 2014|04:11am]
[info]unify looking for a Bill Skarsgard to join me in a community for a romantic line.
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[23 Sep 2014|12:35pm]
Would love to see some more guys over at [info]origin_mod
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[23 Sep 2014|02:21pm]
[info]eastside - come follow me. she needs a bestie! co-actors and all the things! let's do this.
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[23 Sep 2014|05:16pm]
something for jared I'd love to do a groupie type thing or play him against a suicide or gods girl, but Scarlett would be great too!
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[ viewing | September 23rd, 2014 ]
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