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Roleplay ads!

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i know this is a VERY longshot [08 Apr 2014|04:19am]
Would anyone play Jake Gyllenhaal, Matthew McConaughey, or another musician against Jared Leto? It would be for a psl, and I'm willing to PB
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[08 Apr 2014|04:38am]
I know this is probably going to be hard to get, but could I get a slash line for bill kaulitz?
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[08 Apr 2014|04:47am]
could I get a Justin Bieber for Austin? I'm wanting to find a place to take them to if possible
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[08 Apr 2014|07:46pm]
hilary for aaron, maybe another older guy? I'm on the sn 'overboardbaran'
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[ viewing | April 8th, 2014 ]
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