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Roleplay ads!

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[16 Mar 2014|02:12am]
I just got out of a gay nightclub in west hollywood. I wanted to see if anyone would play against a go go boy oe two boys who are in a relationship, or two exes hooking up again, or the club owner and his young go go boy-toy
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[16 Mar 2014|02:40am]
something slash for seb
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trying one last time [16 Mar 2014|12:13pm]
something longterm for jake bass, will pb I'd love another cockyboy, but I'm not too picky
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[16 Mar 2014|03:36pm]
looking for a long-term slash line. I like drama, I'm a fan of smut if you're wondering. I just want it to be long-term please! I prefer aim over threading, I play different faces but we can discuss more if anyone is interested
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[16 Mar 2014|05:50pm]
Something for max ryder, he just turned 21 today
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[ viewing | March 16th, 2014 ]
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