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Roleplay ads!

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[27 Jan 2014|06:42am]
looking for a nick carter, any one of the bsb/nsync guys or jesse mccartney
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[27 Jan 2014|06:57am]
would anyone be interested in a macklemore/ryan lewis line? comment the screened post in this journal if so!
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[27 Jan 2014|01:24pm]
[info]slushees, a Glee role play game. Currently looking for: Dani, Ryder, Jake, Artie, Mercedes, Unique, Cooper, Adam and his Apples, Warblers, Joe, Rory + more!
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The Last Station: A Harry Potter City/Town Game [27 Jan 2014|03:20pm]
The Last Station
No matter what you do,
someone always knew you would.
Who We Are

The Last Station is what you get nine months after your regular town game and your Harry Potter post-war game meet in a bar for drunken shenanigans.

We are looking for creative and eager individuals who want to get involved in a collaborative community where plots are largely character-driven but mod support is available where needed. We're not fussy about how short or long your thread replies are, so long as they're what's true to your character. We like canon continuity but turn a blind eye on the epilogue (is there anyone out there who actually likes it?). We're slash-, het-, and femme-friendly, but we do also encourage the development of lines outside the romantic. We're in this to have fun, so we'll do our best to make sure it stays that way for everyone too.

If you have a muse who needs a home, check us out.

Wanted Concepts

We've been an active game since June, with friendly and accommodating players, so jumping right into the action is easy!

Character Wish Lists:

  • Terry Boot, Anthony Goldstein, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas
  • Quidditch personnel
  • Hogwarts staff
  • Shop clerks/keepers
  • More requests here

    Shops in need of staff:
  • The Barkery and the Catfe (pet shop)
  • Spintwitches (Quidditch supplies)
  • The Hog's Head
  • The Three Broomsticks
  • Ollivanders
  • The Magic Neep (greengrocers)
  • Scrivenshaft's (writing supplies)
  • Gladrags Wizardwear
  • Qualitea (tea shop)
  • Foxglove (cupcakery)
  • Links

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    [27 Jan 2014|08:20pm]

    The Governor of Hawaii bids you 'Aloha'.

    You were just minding your own business. Maybe you were at work, or perhaps at home taking care of your family. You might have even been dead. But now you're waking up in a really nice apartment with an ocean view right outside of your window. Surprise, you're in Hawaii. That beach is Waikiki, and you've found a note from Governor Denning, welcoming you to the mystical islands in the South Pacific. You don't know how you got here, no one does, as a matter of fact, but everyone is telling you that you can't go back to where you're from, and you cannot go anywhere in the world except to the other Hawaiian Islands.

    Is it paradise? Is it a trap? Do you move on with life and enjoy your time here or do you fight to find answers and a way back home?

    The 5-0 Taskforce, Hawaii's special police, have been assigned to protect the islands from possible threat of whoever is sending people here. The problem is being handled, they have no reason to assume that there is anything sinister going on. It might just be really good PR, but it's all anyone will tell you. You may or may not take comfort in it, you may or may not believe it, but you'd best get used to it. The Governor has got a tight lid on this situation, and if he says you need to go to a few Luau's and meet a few more natives, then that's what you'd better do. Otherwise, you might find yourself in a holding cell in the task force's special headquarters, where they'll keep you until you promise to behave.

    There will be love and loss yet, and there will be more questions than answers. The fact remains that those of us who are trapped here need to stick together. We need to get one another through this ordeal, or else things will not end will. There may or may not be a chance of going home after this, but if there isn't, there has to be a way to adapt and keep people from killing one another in the mean time. Right?


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    [27 Jan 2014|10:22pm]

    Welcome to the chronicles of Populous Postea, a story set in Post-Apocalyptic America. Our story takes place in the distant future where vampires, due to a virus, have slowly begun to devolve into primal creatures who continuously seek out blood. Only a few handful of known vampires have seemed to keep their wits about them and have joined humanity in the fight against their terrifying brethren.

    America has closed it's borders to contain the epidemic. No one is allowed to leave and no one from the outside is allowed to enter. What was once a prosperous country is now but a former shell of itself. Cities have now become territories, glorious skyscrapers have now become communities of survivors, and the rest of the world holds it's breath as they wait and see...

    HUMANS: We need them, especially non-gifted females.

    ZONERS: Humans that hate and blame vampires for their current situation. They've rejected vampire protection and authority and have set-up their own communities called Free Zones. These communities are growing and some have turned violent toward vampires and sympathizers.
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    [27 Jan 2014|11:35pm]

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