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[24 Jan 2014|01:33pm]


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[24 Jan 2014|02:32pm]
something slash for bieber
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[24 Jan 2014|03:27pm]

The dead are coming back...

On 31 October 1981, the Wizarding World was forever changed following the death of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and the end of the wizarding war. Though Voldemort had died, many of his most loyal Death Eaters continued to fight for his cause, leading to mass chaos and increased efforts in the crackdown on Death Eaters and terrorism on Wizarding Britain.

Two years later, life is finally beginning to calm down for the survivors of the war. Streets are safer and quieter, as many Death Eaters have been placed in Azkaban or forced into hiding. Consequently, this quieting has provided great relief to former members of the Order of the Phoenix who are just now beginning to get used to civilian life. Unfortunately, this time of peace looks as though it is going to be short lived.

In September of 1983, an accident in the Department of Mysteries’ Death Chamber caused a rift in the Veil between this world in the next, allowing the dead to come back to life. At first those revived came from all across history, but after months of toiling the Unspeakables were able to confine those being revived to those who have passed away in the past five years. Revivals are becoming more and more frequent, and while the surviving members of the Order are happy to see their fallen comrades alive and well again, they wonder how much longer they have before Voldemort is revived. How much longer do they have to be normal?

Memento Mori is an AU MWPP game set in 1984.

Game opens January 29
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