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Roleplay ads!

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[27 Oct 2010|12:52am]
PSLs, anyone? I'll fill anything, as long as it's female.

AIM: katlunaxo (it will show up as shannon dibernard on your buddylist, though.)
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audiovox [27 Oct 2010|02:23am]
"People don't realize... but Florida is another world. In the blunt words of the ear specialist i consulted before the show, 'It's a weird mix of old people and the criminally insane.' Within the same state you have some of the most cosmopolitan, sophisticated minds living among a large population of sketchy inbred maniacs who, evidently, still need to be informed that, 'Yes, the Civil War DID 145 years ago.. and... yeahhh.. you lost.. sooo... Progress? Culture? Maybe try it out? Take it for a walk, see how it feels?" [From the wonderful mind, thoughts, and opinions of Mat Devine.]

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[27 Oct 2010|07:11am]
"Chicago’s neighborhoods have always been the city’s greatest strength."
-Jane Byrne

[info]ravenswood - A city based game
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[27 Oct 2010|02:16pm]
[info]audiovox lines?
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[27 Oct 2010|03:36pm]
a home for me and a josh montgomery too? we're a package deal. thanks!
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[27 Oct 2010|09:26pm]
Seeking someone to play an older male werewolf in a psl line with my well-developed female werewolf. At the moment she is portrayed by this girl here, but willing to change the face if it'll sway a writer.
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[27 Oct 2010|11:15pm]
Bored and wanting to write. Anyone down for doing that at this late hour? It could be a one nighter and/or short term or long term. Aim is preferred, as well as HET. Co-stars or any other male would do.

Hit me up on aim at Hathawayrocks
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