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Roleplay ads!

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[12 Aug 2010|12:07am]
[info]priceline The casts of Miraculous Year, RENT, Wicked, The Deep End, and Dan in Real Life
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[12 Aug 2010|07:52am]

In the early 1980s a secret worldwide organization know as the Gardiner initiative began to work on a chemical compound to alter human genetics. Their goal? To allow humans to develop superpower abilities.

In 2008, they discovered a formula that would affect certain humans depending on their genetic structure. Once the Gardiner Initiative cut through the red tape of governments around the world they put this chemical compound into world water supplies.

In January 2010 stories began to surface around the world of people who could perform amazing feats such as fly, turn invisible, even read minds....



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[12 Aug 2010|08:13am]
[info]30plus good morning ~easel
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[12 Aug 2010|11:44am]
I would love more private lines for my Bar Refaeli PB. No communities. Aim is preferred but I will only do threading if the line is good and of course you ABSOLUTELY DREAD AIM just like how i dread playing over thread.

As for lines, i'm down for anything. Drama/Smut/etc. No incest and no femme please. I have nothing against femme but it's just not for me, sorry.
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[12 Aug 2010|12:33pm]
[info]audience friends
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[12 Aug 2010|12:57pm]
[info]priceline Adam Sevani, Alyson Stoner, Sharni Vinson, Rick Malambri, Kherington Payne, Ellen Degeneres, more dancers.
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[12 Aug 2010|04:05pm]
[info]modsofmidian // feel like you're going crazy? join the club.

lots of people still wanted. some cool people for this guy to either have as admirers or enemies. some more staff is needed for the asylum as well.
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[12 Aug 2010|04:07pm]
[info]richardlovett really, my entire wanted list can be summed up as "old british people + quentin tarantino."
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[12 Aug 2010|05:18pm]
[info]audience, adds tonight!
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[12 Aug 2010|05:25pm]

Meet the Halliwell sisters — Prue, Piper and Phoebe. Six months after the death of their grandmother, Phoebe discovered an old book in their attic and soon learn that not only do they possess supernatural powers, but they come from a long line of powerful witches. The first in the line, Melinda Warren, was burned at the stake in the Salem Witch Trials. However, before she died, Melinda prophesied that each coming generation of Warren (later Halliwell) witches would grow stronger and stronger, culminating in the arrival of three sisters -- the strongest good witches the world had ever seen; the three sisters would form The Power of Three, the most powerful magical force ever.

Three young women with extraordinary gifts take on the adult world and, in between love, loss, and death save it from time to time.

But...what if it didn't happen that way?

It was a stupid joke when the sisters cast the spell, and even they knew that rhyming in a magical household was a dangerous thing -- it just happened. Within moments, the world changed and those questions the sisters used to ask like what if Grams had died sooner? How would their lives be different? What if the Halliwell sisters had gotten their powers as teenagers? What if they'd been teens in 2010 instead of the 1990s? Well, now they're going to find.

Welcome to Old Magick. This is a story about a world full of magic and three sisters trying to figure it all out all over again -- all while trying to save the world and finish their math homework.

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[12 Aug 2010|05:28pm]
I'd love a PSL with a Jeffrey Dean Morgan, or anyone else that would be interested.
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[12 Aug 2010|06:58pm]
Probably a long shot but if anybody is interested in a RP about a 70s disco club like Studio 54 message me on AIM at "hotinthecar." Lots of drugs, sex, dancing, drinking and hair spray. Loni Anderson, Farrah Fawcett, or Lisa Robin Kelley (Laurie from That 70s Show) would make make great op PBs. You can request anyone for me you like. Storylines vary based on mutual interests. I could play a regular, club owner, bouncer, 70s athlete or celeb. The options are limitless. Het and or femme please. If you have YIM or MSN comment me and I will message you on that messenger. Comments are screened as always for your privacy.
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[12 Aug 2010|07:41pm]
Would there be any interest in a wild west pan-fandom type of game?
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[12 Aug 2010|08:11pm]
[info]roaddemons Kristin Bauer, Sharon Stone, Gina Gershon, Teri Weigel, Virginia Madsen, Heather Locklear or Marcia Cross for THE MATRIARCH

Also Nikki Sixx, Alice Cooper, Mike Portnoy, Zachary Baker, Charlie Hunnam, Joe Manganiello, Ivan Moody, Randy Orton, Cody Runnels, John Cena, Ash Stymest, Wil Francis, Vinnie Woolston, Kyle Loza, Kat Von D, Alecia Moore, Deborah Ann Woll, Gwen Stefani and others!
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[12 Aug 2010|09:10pm]
[info]ggflipped Gossip Girl genderflipped. The Humphrey kids need a female version of Rufus to complete the family, and this girl version of Dan would love to have a gender-flipped Vanessa around!
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[12 Aug 2010|09:29pm]
myself and a small group of writers have put together a small, group psl. the premise is a group of families that are all connected somehow and their small group of close friends and the trials and tribulations of the group. The location is Philadelphia, age-wise late teens to early forties. the line is carried out over group threads, journal comments and even aim.

if you are interested, please comment this post or even here for more info. we are dedicated writers who really want to find others who want to create a great, family/friend based line that focuses on writing, is fun and active as well as being long term.
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To celebrate the movie release! [12 Aug 2010|10:10pm]
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[12 Aug 2010|11:05pm]
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