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[21 Jul 2010|12:25am]
I would really love to open up a town based community, but I'm looking for dedicated players. If you like to write and you're tired of your home dying out, I think that you should really check this out. I have several ideas in mind, but I'm open to fresh ideas too.

Since this will hopefully be an upcoming community, that means plenty of faces are open. Comment if you're interested! Also, if this ball gets rolling would anyone be interested in co-modding?
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[21 Jul 2010|06:04am]
Peace has reigned in the city of Excelsior for sixteen years - the war between the superpowered forces of good and evil at an end, its soldiers living in quiet retirement. With their capes and spandex gathering dust in various closets, they've settled down, gotten normal jobs, and started families. It's more common to see a hero and his former archnemesis golfing together on a sunny day than fighting in the streets, in 2010.

Their superhuman abilities have been passed on to their children, most of whom are too young to remember the glory days. Growing up in a world of peace, school and their friends have dominated their lives. There hasn't been any reason to distinguish themselves as heroes and villains.



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[21 Jul 2010|11:18am]
[info]priceline better luck here, i hope. frankie james grande, ariana grande, megan hilty, eden espinosa, michelle kittrell, scott alan!
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[21 Jul 2010|11:23am]
[info]park19 I will not give up! We want new faces, we want lines filled. Come on, people.
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[21 Jul 2010|01:00pm]
[info]nobu brand new first come, first serve community! now taking applications!
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[21 Jul 2010|01:41pm]
I play Bella Swan ([info]canhearthebells) who, along with her daughter, is desperate for her Edward; and Hermione Granger ([info]hermiohnee) who, along with her children, are desperate for their Ron Weasley over at BLC ([info]brightlightnet). Help me out?
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[21 Jul 2010|01:57pm]
come play under the californian sun at [info]huntingtons
also looking for a co-mod. comment the dropbox if you're interested!
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[21 Jul 2010|03:27pm]
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Welcome to Las Vegas!
a community centered around creative writing and character development

[info]pokerfaced is an RP based on Vegas magic.
Not everyone wins big and those who don't must do what it takes to survive in the city of lost angels and broken dreams.

★ Seeking ★
Script writers, socialites, old money, new money, directors, producers, starving artists, runaways, prostitutes, transvestites, street performers, average Joe's, casino owners, professional gamblers, dealers, maintenance crew, security, food service worker, hooker/strippers, show girls, magicians, musicians, gold diggers, or anyone seeking the dream and finding out that reality bites.

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[21 Jul 2010|03:35pm]
[info]accrediting brand new celeb comm
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[21 Jul 2010|04:52pm]
Welcome to Avalonis, where superheroes and villains walk the streets and nothing is quite what it seems.

The city of Avalonis was once dubbed the superpowered capital of the world and even today the city is filled with people who can do the most extraordinary things. Some can move things with their mind, others can read them and then there are some who have no powers at all but insist on fighting for justice nonetheless. As when you have a city filled with heroes, villains will follow and now the city is host to some of the most spectacular and epic show downs the world has ever seen.

Beneath the shiny exterior of the city and the side that the tourists come to see in the hope of catching a glimpse of the city's famous heroes and villains is a layer of corruption. The Irish mob and Italian mafia control parts of the city, pushing prostitution and drugs onto the streets of Avalonis. If there's something you crave then there's always a way to get it, no matter how sordid your tastes.

There's a reason why the city needs heroes. Avalonis Police Department is rife with corruption. The internal struggle within the department is probably why they have yet to pay full attention to the recent disappearances of young superpowered individuals, but how long can these disappearances remain unnoticed and who knows more than they're letting on?

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[21 Jul 2010|08:07pm]
Where The Freaks Find A Home
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[21 Jul 2010|09:28pm]
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[21 Jul 2010|10:24pm]
Cast List||Held||Rules|| Application|| Dorms||Contact

The Xavier Institute was formed over fifty years ago by a man named Charles Xavier. He wanted to shelter young mutants from the hatred they would face in the world outside, while he trained them to control their powers and use them for the benefit of mankind. Twent years ago Xavier left and joined his beloved Lilandra in the Shi'ar Empire and he left some Ororo Munroe, Logan, and Scott Summers in charge of the school. Everything seemed to be going well, but only ten years after his departure humanity started it's war against mutants by launching the sentinel project. War raged for ten years between humanity and mutants; the sentinels destroyed half the planet in their search for mutants.

In the end they began to hunt down humans as well, in hopes of capturing the mutants the humans knew. When this began humanity realized their mistake and they sided with the mutants in bringing down the machines. The war has been over for seven months, and the world is slowly being rebuilt. The Xavier Institute is the center of the new world; mutants are coming by the hundreds to this safe haven they have found. Humans are welcome at the Institute as well.

After the final battle Magneto changed his tune about humanity. He moved into the Institute and became it's new found leader. With his guidance the school is slowly being rebuilt and students are moving in by the hundreds. There is a new threat on the horizon though, and the students' studies must be put to the side for the time being, so their training can begin. Apocalypse has been found and Mystique is trying to awaken him. The X-Men know that she must be stopped at all costs, so another war begins..
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