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Roleplay ads!

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[30 Jun 2010|12:26am]
[info]smallbox would LOVE any of the following:

Georgia Moffett (David, in particular, would love his girlfriend to be around)
Catherine Tate
Freema Agyeman
Noel Clarke
John Simm
Arthur Darvill
Christopher Eccleston
Alex Kingston

Gareth David-Lloyd
Naoko Mori
Burn Gorman
Tom Price

Colin Morgan
Bradley James

And anyone else associated with the BBC from such shows as Being Human, Secret Diary of a Call Girl, Ashes to Ashes, Life on Mars, Misfits*, Eastenders, Holby City, Mock the Week, Top Gear, Dappers (new show!), Stanley Park (new show!), Kidulthood, Waterloo Road, Gavin and Stacey, BBC News, Merlin, Robin Hood.

[info]smallbox is a small but active game with brilliant writers who are having a ball. Come join us!
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[30 Jun 2010|12:41am]
Rob Thomas, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Courtney Taylor-Taylor, Jakob Dylan, Gavin Rossdale, Andrew Bird, the Young Veins, the Chili Peppers and Courtney Love to [info]arigolden at once or in due time. Rufus Wainwright, I will deliver you my soul on a silver platter if you can convert a drummer friend over to the dark side. I'll supply the alcohol needed! You can even use my pad for the performance of the vile (preferably painful) ritual!
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[30 Jun 2010|03:38am]
I am in desperate search of an Ashley/Kristen Stewart femme slash line. I'd love to bring it to a comm, but I could also be persuaded to do PSL. Would anyone be interested?
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[30 Jun 2010|07:18am]
anyone play christian bale slashy?
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[30 Jun 2010|09:50am]
[info]mitochondrion My boy here desperately needs his big overprotective big sister. As his visions of a terrifying future threaten to drive him mad, his sister would be his anchor, someone to try to rescue him from the brink of insanity.

Comment or PM if interested.
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The Alley: A Next-Gen HP RPG [30 Jun 2010|11:12am]

MOST WANTED: Aurors, Quidditch players, Young Professionals, Hit-Wizards, Students, Anti-MagiTech, Hackers, Healers and more.

Game started June 12th, 2010.

[info]alleyrpg is a well plotted game that centers on the lives of the Next Generation. A more detailed plot outline can be found here. We are looking for creative, active players who enjoy threading and journaling with their characters.
JULY 1st, 2030
From The Daily Prophet: "Today marks the beginning of Minister for Magic Andromeda Black-Tonks' second term. Madame Tonks has proven to be an exceptional leader, bringing about change while striving to protect Wizarding Culture. It is under her direction that new magical technology has flourished alongside our beloved traditions. A reception to celebrate Madame Tonks' time in office will be held tonight at the Avalon Hotel. The entire wizarding community is invited to reflect upon the past and look to the future."
~ Rita Skeeter, Editor in Chief

Meanwhile, at the Ministry of Magic, a group of powerful, disgruntled men and women have set in motion a plan that will change the course of Wizarding history forever. Fed up with MagiTech and what they see as the destruction of the Wizarding World through so-called "progress", they've created a spell that will put an end to MagiTech for good, allowing the world to revert back to the Golden Days.

However, the spell malfunctions with unintended consequences that reach far beyond the initial goal. MagiTech is undisturbed, but wizards and witches across the country start to have problems with their magic. At first it seems innocent enough: Pepper-Up that makes you vomit, an Alohamora that just shoots sparks, a Wingardium Levoisa that fizzles out prematurely. But as time goes by, the effects worsen, spreading out in a seemingly random pattern from the Ministry of Magic.
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[30 Jun 2010|11:40am]
Seeking a partner for the following line on AIM
AIM: Dubangoelite IM me directly on AIM.

Susan Dunstan is a new teacher at such and such a High School. She's a feminist, brilliant, strict, and really doesn't take any bullshit from anybody. Within only a few years, she already has seniority to teach whatever classes she likes, and is the head of the English department. Her colleagues say that within another few years Susan will knock the current principal out of his spot, and run the school.

In addition to not wanting to lose his job, the Principal (Named, say, Robert), really isn't fond of Susan. He's privately a bit of an old-fashioned type, in that the woman should be in the home. Before he got to his current position, he was a science and Psychology teacher, and extremely good in his field--Robert has an enormous amount of talent, drive, and, indeed, patience.

After some rumination, he comes up with a brilliant idea: Mental manipulation. Personality Reprogramming. Brainwashing. He doesn't like who Susan is, and he's going to change that. Use whatever means necessary-- drugs, conditioning, manipulation--anything to mold the teacher into his view of a woman. And she will never, ever be the same.

Okies! To start with, I'm aware that this isn't completely scientific and brainwashing requires blah blah blah. Quite honestly, if you were looking for strict realism, you probably wouldn't be here, hmm? It's true that this isn't accurate, but, in my opinion, it makes for a more engaging storyline.

What I'm looking for, in this case, is a complete change: Appearance, personality, memories, name, voice, everything. If the Susan of before and after were to meet in some timey-wimey situation, they'd be absolutely nothing alike. At all.

Some ideas for 'steps' to take, now!

Secretary. Every good principal could use one of these, hmm? And if it's somebody as dastardly and perverted as Robert, well, who knows what could happen with that. Probably something smexy.

Wife: This is the big one. Imagine a hypersexualized version of the stereotypical version of a 1950s-era housewife. June Cleaver on some serious aphrodisiacs. It could be a lot of fun as the end product, I think.

Pregnancy/Weight Gain: Not only are these one of the few times I might be interested in these things, but I think it could be really awesome. Just a more 'womanly' figure, really. Barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen.

Fiction/Historical: What funner way to break down somebody's sanity? Let's just imagine what Susan would be like as a Bond Girl. Or maybe singing in some seedy nightclub, or as Princess Leia. Perhaps going further back, even, and giving her the impression she's a Victorian-age lady, or a French Aristocrat, a princess, or Cleopatra. Possibilities are endless.

I'm totally up for ideas, though. Oh--and, of course, the names are just placeholders. As per usual!

[30 Jun 2010|11:46am]
[info]reboots: where taking your beloved Marvel characters and reinventing them is only part of the fun!
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[30 Jun 2010|01:41pm]
[info]syndic plenty of roles to be filled!!
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[30 Jun 2010|02:35pm]
Co-stars and friends to [info]richardlovett please!
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[30 Jun 2010|02:41pm]
[info]smallbox Katie McGrath would like to see Bradley James and Colin Morgan to leave signs on her dressing room door. Daisy would like a Lily Allen shaped BFF (or any female friends because she's surrounded by dorky Doctor Who folk). David wouldn't mind seeing a Georgia Moffett, a Gareth David-Lloyd would be appreciated to complete the trio, and Karen would like an Arthur Darvill (or perhaps the boyfriend she has just broken up with). The game is in need of non Doctor Who and Torchwood people. Daisy is begging. BEGGING.

People are needed from the following shows: Being Human, Secret Diary of a Call Girl, Ashes to Ashes, Life on Mars, Misfits*, Eastenders, Holby City, Mock the Week, Top Gear, Dappers (new show!), Stanley Park (new show!), Kidulthood, Waterloo Road, Gavin and Stacey, BBC News, Merlin, Robin Hood.

[info]smallbox is a small game with dedicated and welcoming writers. We love new people <3
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[30 Jun 2010|03:55pm]
I'm looking for a few psl lines. Preferably written via aim, google document, or email. Right now with work being the way it is and my phone hating on ij. It's the best way for me to write.

I'm up for anything pb where I play a slashy male or a het female. And Celeb for only a few different people. If I know them, I'll more than likely be willing to play them.

I'm into Vampires, Werewolves, Queer as Folk, Star Trek, and Doctor Who. Those are really the only fandoms I'm into lately. Feel free to ask though.

Other than that feel free to ask. I have a few lines in mind, but I'm up to brain storming or hearing your idea. :)

Contact Info )
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[30 Jun 2010|06:27pm]
[info]academica a new place for witchcraft and wizardry. now accepting holds!
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Salus: a Panfandom RPG [30 Jun 2010|06:34pm]

It's no longer our world...

Everyone knew it was coming. The end of the world as we knew it. Great care is being taken to protect the living. The newly formed world government created Salus, a home for the survivors of what they may as well declare the apocolypse. But something doesn't add up. People go missing for days at a time and then return as if nothing was wrong. One day, they'll wake up changed...but it never lasts long. Through it all, the residents of Salus are surviving. They're socializing, creating, and falling in love. But the question remains:

Are you truly being sheltered by 'the good guys'?
Taken Characters // Wanted Characters // Held Characters
Mod Journal // The Game // Apply Now

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Supernatural University RPG [30 Jun 2010|07:01pm]

More than just a university...

There's a supernatural world out there that some people just refuse to accept. So they segregate them, banish them to their own schools, churches, restaurants... But just like humans, they need an education.

Alden University accepts supernatural students of all kinds. And even though supernaturals aren't accepted in human schools, humans are accepted at Alden. Even at a discounted price. It is the hope of Alden's dean, Henry Alden, that co-mingling will bring about a brighter future.

But for now, students are thriving at Alden University. Are you brave enough to join them?

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[30 Jun 2010|10:13pm]
Home for a Naya Rivera and Taylor Lautner? Separate writers, will not be separated.
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[30 Jun 2010|10:38pm]
Home for a Lucy Hale and Gavin Creel? High School or College preferred. Openness to teacher/student lines a plus.
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