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[27 Apr 2010|12:31am]
we're in the process of getting things set up to make this into a fictional college, but which coast and what kind of town should it be in? so far we've gotten lots of feedback in our dropbox, but we'd love more so comment here or in the dropbox! we're aiming to have the game up by the weekend, so please help us out and make this happen!
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[27 Apr 2010|08:53am]

MCI Grand Junction


a Prison RPG


OOC Rules

Prisoner Rules

Staff Rules


Taken PBs





You’ve just been sentenced to MCI Grand Junction, a prison located some 20 miles west of Boston, Massachusetts.

You have been sent here to carry out the full term of your sentence. There will be no escape. There will be no appeals. Some of you will never leave. For some this is only the beginning of a long and terrible nightmare.

Rumors of brutality, of severe discipline, rape and even murder is rife within, but in a place like Grand Junction money talks. Besides, you are a convicted felon: society has washed its hands of you.

The only people looking out for you now are those left on the outside waiting for your release. Pray you live long enough to see it.

Your life as you knew it is over.
Welcome to Grand Junction.

Remember, in prison no one will hear you

Staff (corrections officers, nurses, counselors) and family members are also welcome to apply.

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[27 Apr 2010|01:42pm]
[info]biography - keira knightley, mads mikkelson, nicholas hoult, hans matheson, abbie cornish, alexa davalos, eva mendes, luke treadaway, jessica chastain, joel david moore, moon bloodgood, radha mitchell, michael vartan, adam garcia, carey mulligan, anna torv, josh lucas, jennifer lopez, zach braff.
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[27 Apr 2010|03:40pm]
[info]backdrops, a psl directory in the spirit of /players. join with your psl journal and connect with other players. next adds are 4/29 or 5 applications!
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[27 Apr 2010|04:27pm]
hello! i'd love a psl (with the option of maybe moving it to a comm) with either a Josh Duhamel, Zachary Quinto or Chris Pine. (totally up for brainstorming and dark storylines).

Also a Neil Patrick Harris, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Leo DiCaprio, Megan Fox, Zachary Levi, Liv Tyler, Blake Lively, James Marsden, Milo Ventimiglia and Milla Jovovich would be awesome for [info]stork

hit me up. aim:krstnbel
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[27 Apr 2010|06:51pm]
I'd love a line with Hayden Christensen,Robert Pattinson,JRM,Jackson Rathbone,Leonardo DiCaprio,Ewan Mcgregor,,Ryan Buell,Elijah Wood or WentWorth Miller. It would be a private storyline, PB and I prefer to do all this over AIM. HET! I don't do SLASH. Long term and/or short term would be cool. As for lines, i'm down for brainstorming! I can always return the favor by playing any of these males/or in the icons.
"Rumsoakedpirates" is where i can be reached to talk things over!
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[27 Apr 2010|07:17pm]

Altamont Orlando World

Looking to attend a prestigious boarding school? Or perhaps one of the nation's top private colleges? Are you a teacher searching for a rewarding position as part of an outstanding faculty at a private academy? Maybe you're just looking for a nice place to settle down and call home. Whatever your needs, Altamont World is the place for you. With 3 active and well established communities and a new performing arts school and business, Altamont has all that there is to offer and is a place that you can call home. So head on over and apply today!

Altamont Orlando has been around for 6 years and is a PB/AU community based in Central Florida. At the center of it all is a fully developed boarding school, university, and a performing arts company. Residents come from all walks of life and can choose to work or play, or do both, with opportunities to create great storylines and intermix with great writers, and to have FUN. If you're searching for good writers and hard working mods, and more importantly, FUN, this is the community to be in!

WANTED: Seeking writers who are in it for character and storyline development. Students (high school and university), Faculty, Staff, and Residents. Please check the rules before applying.

There's no place like it
Game Info // Directory/Application
Mod Journal //

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[27 Apr 2010|07:49pm]
home, por favor?
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[27 Apr 2010|08:58pm]
[info]camisade looking for players! TOTALLY NEW GAME! Friendly comm for both new and experiences RP's.
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[27 Apr 2010|09:06pm]
we've kissed girls. &we like it.
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[27 Apr 2010|09:42pm]
Does anyone play a good, slashy Emile Hirsch? I have a few celeb (PSL) lines involving him.

I hope there is. Comments are screened, and this was x-posted in a few places. Comment or leave me an IM on tony ass whips. I'm online right now and I get offline messages.
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[27 Apr 2010|09:52pm]
[info]musemania Everyone!
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