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[27 Nov 2008|12:53am]
where is she wanted?
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[27 Nov 2008|01:23am]
[info]greatwhiteway PBs I'd love to see: ELIJAH KELLY, Hugh Dancy, Ryan Reynolds, Sacha Baron Cohen, John Krasinski, Lee Pace, Anna Friel, Hugh Jackman, Nicole Kidman, Amy Poehler, Rachel Dratch, Bill Hader, Andy Samberg, Jason Sudeikis, Kristin Wiig, America Ferrara, Eric Dane, Salma Hayek, Renee Zellweger, Tom Felton, Ben Stiller, and anyone else!
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[27 Nov 2008|04:24am]
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The. Fruitful. Project. [27 Nov 2008|04:52am]
The Fruitful Project
Original Character. Future. Arranged Marriage. 17 & Up.

In the year 2010 the world was plagued by the full effect of Global Warming. No country was spared, and no one could imagine the speed in which it came. Within months entire cities were underwater, drier than deserts, or completely leveled. Thousands died and there was no end in sight. Many lost hope until 2020 when the Eden Project was founded.

The Eden Project was a last ditch effort by the human race. Surviving scientists came up with a chemical, a gas called 'Eden' that would hopefully cool the atmosphere enough to put a stop to the catastrophes happening around the world. Slowly but surely the temperature began to drop and the storms slowed. In the time between the beginning of the storms to the launch of the Eden Project, the world population had dropped from nearly seven billion to a little below five.

It was another six years before the effect of the 'Eden' chemical was known.

It began in 2028. There were suddenly less children being born and by the end of 2029, pregnancies stopped all together. The men and women of the world were now completely sterile. It was soon discovered that the Eden chemical was the cause of the sterilization, that the one thing that had saved the world had also doomed it to an inevitable ending, the population destined to dwindle down to nothing.

Now in 2048, after the population has dropped to below three billion, a solution has been found. The same lab that came up with the Eden project has been working for the past nineteen years to reverse the devastating effects without destroying the clean and near perfect atmosphere of Earth. The Fruitful project was a serum, a cure that reversed the sterilization but only in people below the age of thirty.

The Global Government is taking a drastic step to increase the population. The Governments of the world began to administer the serum by either offering it for people to take willingly or slipping it into the water. To further insure that the population will continue to grow, a global law has been put into place. A marriage law. The Fruitful Law.

Every healthy, non-married person between the ages of nineteen and twenty-nine are to be married, whether by choice or by Government selection. The couple will have a one year period at the most after their marriage to conceive.

The Fruitful project is for the betterment of our world. Who will be your match?

A note about the mods:
The mods at Fruitful are experienced players who have seen their fair share of fantastic games...and the not-so fantastic games. First and foremost, they are players who want to be a part of an active, successful game. They are here to listen to your opinions, and to create a community of players, not just a game for characters to be played in. The mods care about any player who is accepted or even just thinking about applying. Every character will have some sort of plot to participate in, and no entry a character makes will be ignored.

The role play is set in a fictional town by the name of Innovo, California. It is the year 2048.

profile layout »

"Be fruitful and multiply..."

For the betterment of our world.

The . Fruitful . Project

Original Character. Future. Arranged Marriage. 17+.

In the year 2010 the world was plagued by horrendous storms and a rapidly rising temperature. Global Warming had finally began to rear its ugly head. As the years passed and the storms grew worse, destroying entire cities and killing thousands, the Governments of the world were forced into action.
They designed a chemical, a gas that they launched into the atmosphere that somehow cleared it enough to not only bring the temperatures down but to also calm the storms. The world rejoiced but what they did not know was that the gas had a devastating effect on humanity. By 2028 it was discovered that the effect of the gas was widespread infertility and sterilization.

Now, in the year 2048 there has been an amazing breakthrough. Through the combined efforts of some of the most brilliant minds from all across the globe, a serum was invented, a cure. The 'Fruitful' serum. The first child in nearly two decades has been brought into the world, bringing with him a new hope for the future.

In an effort to begin rebuilding the population, a new law has been put into place, a marriage law called the 'Fruitful Project'. Who will be your match?

Begins November 30th
(Date subject to change)

The role play is set in a fictional town by the name of Innovo, California. It is the year 2048.

rules » application » played bys & holds » wanted characters » faqs

full plot » the world in 2048 » innovo,california

the fruitful project » fruitful ooc
profile layout »

"Be fruitful and multiply..."

For the betterment of our world.

The Fruitful Project

In the year 2010 the world was plagued by horrendous storms and a rapidly rising temperature. No country was spared, the pandemonium and despair spreading to every corner of the globe with a speed that shocked everyone. Sure, many had expected global warming to rear its ugly head and bring forth such dangerous weather but no one could imagine the speed in which it came. There was no time to prepare, no time to seek shelter and safety. Within months entire cities were underwater, drier than deserts, or completely leveled. Thousands died and there was no end in sight. Many lost hope until 2020 when the Eden Project was founded.

The Eden Project was a last ditch effort by the human race. Surviving scientists from all over the world came together to find some sort of solution. They had been working on said solution for the past five years but by 2020 they had perfected it. The group of scientists came up with a chemical, a gas called 'Eden' that they planned to release into Earth's atmosphere that would hopefully cool the atmosphere enough to put a stop to the catastrophes happening around the world. They hadn't had a true chance to test the chemical but they were running out of time, the world was too dangerous and too many people were dying. On January, 1st, 2023 a rocket holding all of the human race's hope was launched into Earth's atmosphere. It took a full week before any affect was seen. Slowly but surely the temperature began to drop and the storms slowed. The surviving portion of the population rejoiced, thinking that they were saved and it was the end to the horror that had overtaken the world. In the time between the beginning of the storms to the launch of the Eden Project, the world population had dropped from nearly seven billion to a little below five.

It was another six years before the effect of the 'Eden' chemical was known.

It began in 2028. There were suddenly less children being born, fewer and fewer pregnancies. As the year passed less of these few pregnancies were making it to term and with those that did, the children were not surviving long. Only children over the age of nine months old were able to withstand whatever strange thing was happening. By the end of 2029, pregnancies stopped all together. The men and women of the world were now completely sterile. It was soon discovered that the Eden chemical was the cause of the sterilization, that the one thing that had saved the world had also doomed it to an inevitable ending, the population destined to dwindle down to nothing.

Now in 2048, after the population has dropped to below three billion, a solution has been found. The same lab that came up with the Eden project has been working for the past nineteen years to reverse the devastating effects without destroying the clean and near perfect atmosphere of Earth and on almost the exact date that the rocket was launched, the Fruitful project was put into place. The Fruitful project was a serum, a cure that reversed the sterilization but only in people below the age of thirty. The cure was found to be true after it was used on a young woman in London and after a highly publicized and closely watched pregnancy, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy aptly named 'Adam'. He was the first child to be born in nearly twenty years.

After this momentous success, the Global Government is taking a drastic step to increase the population. The Governments of the world began to administer the serum by either offering it for people to take willingly or slipping it into the water. To further insure that the population will continue to grow, a global law has been put into place. A marriage law. The Fruitful Law.

Every healthy, non-married person between the ages of nineteen and twenty-nine are to be married, whether by choice or by Government selection. Those who fail to follow the law by a Government determined date are considered to be breaking the law and will be arrested and put in prison. The couple will have a five month period at the most after their marriage to conceive.

The Fruitful project is for the betterment of our world. Who will be your match?

The role play is set in a fictional town by the name of Innovo, California. It is the year 2048.

the world in 2048 » about innovo, california » profile layout »

"Be fruitful and multiply..."

For the betterment of our world.
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[27 Nov 2008|08:26am]
14 comments|post comment

[27 Nov 2008|08:49am]
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[27 Nov 2008|12:02pm]
[info]tourdate Jon Walker where the hell are you?
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[27 Nov 2008|12:14pm]
[info]fred62 The Jonas Brothers, Patrick Wolf, Joel Madden and other friends of Benji's, Brittney Spears or someone else for Tony, friends of Rihanna's like JT and Chris Brown. These are only some of the most wanted, but there is a detailed list at the mod journal. Check us out!
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[27 Nov 2008|12:25pm]
[info]fireandwater anyone and everyone is wanted!
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[27 Nov 2008|01:42pm]
8 comments|post comment

[27 Nov 2008|02:31pm]
[info]perform Johnny Depp, Adam Goldberg, Gaby Hoffman, Joshua Jackson, Matthew Lillard, Justin Long, Johnathan Rhys Meyers, Winona Ryder, Elijah Wood
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[27 Nov 2008|04:31pm]
while i come up with a secret to describe her, i'd love more lines for [info]424 :)
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[27 Nov 2008|05:26pm]
[info]moxymod People from Lost, because maybe season 5 will be less confusing.
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[27 Nov 2008|05:50pm]
[info]content, gobble gobble.
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[27 Nov 2008|06:03pm]
[info]frpadmin: Ashlee Simpson, Pete Wentz, Eva Longoria, Eva Mendes, Ryan Reynolds, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Christina Aguilera, Rob Pattinson, Kristen Stewart
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[27 Nov 2008|08:34pm]
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[27 Nov 2008|08:37pm]
[info]priceline, RYAN REYNOLDS your wife is paging you in aisle 15.
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[27 Nov 2008|08:52pm]
[info]creativeartists Anna, Skandar, and Georgie please :(
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[27 Nov 2008|09:14pm]
Okay I'm getting straight to the point. Looking for an active home for this dude. Preferably where people know who he is. And where the writers are pretty mature and decent.

Storylines? Not required. They are love, however. I don't sign on every day but I will make the effort if the community is active enough and I dig it.

Drop names, drop reasons to go, whatever you feel like doing. I'll check all places regardless but a reason or two would make me look more.
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[27 Nov 2008|09:58pm]
home for syn gates, kat von d, m shadows and rhian harrington please!
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[27 Nov 2008|10:11pm]
[info]celeb Does anyone with PSP want to make me icons for my OOC journal?
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[27 Nov 2008|10:37pm]
[info]celeb Elizabeth Reaser, Billy Burke, Jordana Spiro, Kyle Howard, Jim Gaffigan, Rachel Boston, Alexandra Breckenridge, Jessica Lucas.
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[ viewing | November 27th, 2008 ]
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