Roleplay ads!'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Roleplay ads!

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[12 Jan 2008|01:45am]
[info]waldorfhall Check the all new wanted list!
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[12 Jan 2008|05:43am]
[info]mainmenu, for all your celebrity needs!
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[12 Jan 2008|11:24am]
Home for my David Desrosiers? At least slash-friendly, preferably one with another member of Simple Plan?
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[12 Jan 2008|09:31pm]
[info]mainmenu, for all your celebrity needs! Adds tonight! No examples.
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[12 Jan 2008|09:36pm]
would any communities want a johnathan rice? or does anyone on this server write jenny lewis? c'mon.
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[12 Jan 2008|10:54pm]
[info]smalworlds via [info]smallwmod

James Marsden for the last sl listed in her journal please!
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[12 Jan 2008|11:46pm]
dont know if i have the balls to play him just yet, but home or psl, anyone?
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[ viewing | January 12th, 2008 ]
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