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Monday, February 23rd, 2009

    Time Event
    Ominous Narration Ensues
    At 0100 hours, for those who are awake and counting, the world will change. This in itself is not a remarkable event, for the world is ever-changing, and its inhabitants go about largely ignorant or unimpressed, believing themselves unaffected.

    The change wrought on this night, though, will leave none unaffected. Something has been ripped from the fabric of the universe, and anyone who has known any momentary experience of joy or madness will feel it. It may rend them apart, it may set straight what was once woven askew, it may come to them as the briefest of vertigo episodes or a slight twinge in the temple. It will be an unremarkable night for many. But all will feel the ripple-effects in the coming days.

    Current Mood: pensive

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