Earth 12 OOC's Journal
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Friday, July 31st, 2009

    Time Event
    I apologise for my unannounced hiatus. I got banned off the PC for awhile there.

    I'm...slowly getting back into the swing of things. Including checking here more often Dl I'll probably throw up a post at some point for Akgi. I'll assume he's been recovering from the last plot thing. Larx is probably sneaking around the place, as she does.

    Urgh, so much time gap...I'm sorry all.
    Well, I can't put this one off any longer.

    Starting the first week of August, I will not have reliable, consistent internet for the rest of the year. That's right. Until 2010. Earth_12 has been great fun at great times, and I hope it will continue to be great fun for times to come! I just won't be around for it.

    This means Robin, Roy, Kitten, and Booster are out. They can be NPC'd or portal'd away, whatever is most convenient, in the case that you'd like to plot around with that. Apologies for not posting this sooner; I thought I could start a new plot while I was in the process of moving, but that was a nonstarter of an idea if I've ever thought one up.

    Stay chill, you lovely folk


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