Earth 12 OOC's Journal
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Saturday, May 23rd, 2009

    Time Event
    The hammer of justice is unisex.
    So, that hiatus was longer than intended.  I'm back with Jaime, and a new character!

    This is Batman. Add him.

    This is, however, not the Bats anyone was expecting. He's Brave and the Bold from the cartoon you should all immediately watch if you have not already. It's Earth 23, if you were wondering, and he knows that. He's done the dimensional thing before.

    I'm not bringing him in right away, as I need to make icons, and I need to figure out how to make this special. Anyone interested in logging, let me know. I'd love to have him appear on his batcycle and immediately rescue someone without missing a beat, cuz that's how he rolls.

    Current Mood: excited
    Earth 12 Episode Guide, part 4
    Episode 7, part 1: Missing Persons )

    Did I miss anything this round, oh internet pals?

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