Earth 12 OOC's Journal
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Monday, April 27th, 2009

    Time Event
    Hey, guys! Thanks to y'all, say hi to DCAU!Ringo! PLZ ADD HER!


    Lina brought up an interesting idea the other day and I'd like to know what you guys think of trying it out. How would you feel about making accepting new applications a game-wide decision, basically doing it the way I do my apps here? This would make it more likely that at least one person reading them is familiar enough with the app to not have to wiki things, allow you guys to have a bigger say in who joins the game, and give you guys a chance to plot with new players so they have something to really do if/when they get accepted.

    I figure we can have people post their applications to the OOC comm (either here or I'd set up a comm on LJ, whichever works better for you guys), then y'all could post suggestions or whatever concerns you might have about character interpretation or whatever, if you have any, and we'll say as long as they get five approvals and are able to work out whatever concerns there might be they'll get officially accepted.

    And I know you guys understand this already, but bear with me 'cause I'm overly paranoid about wank: You'd have to be mature about this whole thing. Offering constructive criticism -- explain whatever concerns you have about the app and suggest ways to improve it. Don't just reject an app out of hand because you don't like the character or the player. Though that being said, if you know an applicant is a troublemaker, please let me know and I'll take care of it -- that extends even if this doesn't work out.

    That being said, know that I wouldn't even be considering doing this if I wasn't sure you guys could handle this. ♥

    SO ANYWAY, what do you guys think? |D

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