Earth 12 OOC's Journal
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Monday, January 12th, 2009

    Time Event
    So I totally decided to do a proper intro of moi.

    Hi there, the name is Genna. 21, college student, hard worker bee, sarcastic and well other attributes. I have been rping for a long time that I can't even remember but I am starting to think it was 01, so maybe I haven't grown up so much since then. I currently run my own game completely different fandom. I go to school for pastry arts. Though I am possibly switching over to Marketing when I switch schools. (don't ask) I work in a bakery full time. Very dangerous, I do not suggest the idea unless you have will power, I currently have three cakes sliced sitting in my freeze along with choco covered stawberrries. I am one of the weaker ones. I also take classes. Currently I am doing night classes for the winterim and will be starting my final semester at this school in a few weeks. Which will be again mostly night classes.

    So basically the idea is, if you want to reach me it won't be till after 11 at night or early/mid day. I have no set schedule. Now onto the ways of contacting me
    gtalk - (same as above)
    aim- Dans La Morte OR sounaffectionate (Though warning I am not really on aim too much)
    Just that awesome
    Earliest ever hiatus in a game? I'd like to think so.

    Mini-hiatus at any rate. I'm gone for the next three days guys. Don't have too much fun without me.

    This affects Akgido [info]fanged_wings only~ Since I haven't gotten to spamming the apps yet
    Adding to the introductions here, late of course.

    I'm Manda and I'll be playing your Kurt Wagner, aka Nightcrawler from the X-Men: Evolution canon. He's fun loving and sometimes a little careless but has a heart of gold. And of course he loves food.

    Pleasure to be playing with you all~
    Just a quick introduction.
    I'm Amanda and I'll be playing the delightful Harley Quinn.
    Feel free to add me here as well as on AIM (xHarleyxQuinzelx).

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