Earth 12 Logs' Journal
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Wednesday, June 10th, 2009

    Time Event
    Who: NPC!Two-Face, the Bats, and the captives!
    What: Saving the day! \o/
    - Nightboy and Wingman at a Random Spot in the city hopefully away from innocent bystanders to lure out Two-Face
    - Two-Face presumably on his way to said Random Spot
    - Robin, Robin, and Robin sneaking into the Secret Hideout to save the captives
    - The captives in the Secret Hideout awaiting rescue
    - The twin thugs presumably in the Secret Hideout?
    - Batgirl either purposely kidnapped or with the Robins helping get the captives out, up to Two-Face?
    - Batman wherever the heck he wants? |Db

    Did I miss anyone? >.>
    Warnings: VIOLENCE, crazy, Bat-issues, crazy, violence, violent crazy, crazy violence.

    This is a free-for-all log, folks! Feel free to thread-jump in most cases except mebbe the Wings/Two-Face thread since we actually have a vague idea of what we're doing over there, right? |D I think? I hope? |D

    Anyway, action log it, paragraph log it, either which way HAVE AT IT!

    This just in! We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for this special report! )

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