Earth 12 Logs' Journal
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Sunday, April 12th, 2009

    Time Event
    Who: Toon!Dick and comics!Tim
    What: Getting to know you bonding?
    Where: Dick's swingin' bachelor pad in the 'Haven
    When: After the plot with Del and the Al Ghuls is wrapped up.
    Warnings: Probably nothing but lots of Bat-brooding, but I'll keep you posted. 8|b

    Broooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood )
    And these are my hammers for JUSTICE
    IN THIS CORNER: Booster Gold and Talia Al Ghul.
    IN THAT CORNER: The Doctor and Shouta Mikishiba.
    OVER HERE EYEING THEM ALL WARILY: Nightwing, Robin, Snarkier Nightwing, and Creepier Robin.
    BACKSTAGE, 80% FISH: Delirium.
    THEY'LL BE ALONG, WE THINK: Blue Beetle and Blue Beetle.
    What: Saving the universe. Bit of a dogpile. You know how it is.

    Where: The secret Al Ghul lair under Cardiff, Wales. There's a Lazarus Pit out back, a cage for delinquent Endless over through that labyrinth and past several dozen ninjas, and a multiversal rift if you go down far enough. But this grand audience chamber is nice enough for the purposes at hand.

    When: When you heroes get off your butts and get here. 8|

    Warnings: Free tagging. Threadhop as desired. Short tags FINE. Else, TBA.
    Gosh, Green Arrow! I was possessed all along!! )

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