hair colors and styles' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
hair colors and styles

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[05 Feb 2008|12:15pm]
I work in a bank and I recently dyed my hair. My blonde highlights turned red and have faded to a light pink. I think it looks really pretty but my manager has asked me to color over it. Does he have the right to ask me that? And if so, can I get fired or written up for not doing what he says?
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Question [05 Feb 2008|09:14pm]
I figured this was the best place to ask... I've never dyed my hair before so I have no idea what kinds of dyes to use or even what color would look right on me. I kind of want either black, this brown/orange color or a pinkish/reddish color like this. If I get black I'd like to have other color in it as well, probably chunked (not sure what the actual term is for it, but chunks of color in different places like this, this, this and this). I'll probably be getting it done professionally since I'm not comfortable doing it myself. There's a place in Cleveland, Ohio I was thinking about but I can't remember the name (Meow Suicide mentioned in her SG blog that she got her hair done there).

this is what my hair looks like )

I apologize if that's a lot or hard to understand, but since this will be my first time dying my hair I'd like for it to turn out well.
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