Apr. 13th, 2012



Faint hiatus

Hey everyone!

Okay, so today I'm heading down to D.C. for the Cherry Blossom festival. I will scarcely be online today, tomorrow, and Sunday. If I am on, you'll find me on during the night.

I only say this in case I seem super slow today during threads or when updating things.

If anyone needs me, just email me or leave a comment! ♥

Apr. 12th, 2012


Another break

Taking a short break. I am currently dealing with an infected wisdom tooth and gum and I am just a miserable bitch. Sorry to anyone that I owe tags to.

Apr. 7th, 2012



Update and change

We have spoken to a lot of the players regarding the new activity rule and we have heard you guys.

Please think of the new rule as a GOAL and not a rule. The goal is to make a journal post and comment in a thread at least once a week. If you don't make the goal the mods do understand. Life happens and this is just a game. We will not kick anyone out without the proper warning.

Or main reason for creating the goal was to get more activity in the game, not to make it impossible for you guys to stay in the game. So please continued to role play with that goal in mind.

It has come to our attention that a lot of our players feel like they are not included in the game so we, the mods, are asking EVERYONE when they are posting comments in journals or looking for a thread to comment on please maybe look at a character your characters have never interacted with. You never know what friendships or plot might come from the new interactions. Open your characters circle of interactions!

Also we have open the application up to all characters and original characters! Gay, straight, or bi!

[No Subject]

Just a tiny note to let you all know that my province is currently in an election, and given that politics is my bread and butter (and pays my bills) I'll be sporadicly missing for days at a time for the next 2-4 weeks. If I'm terribly behind replying on something or you need to get in touch with me for a plot, send an email because my trusty blackberry will be on the campaign trail with me at all moments.

Apr. 2nd, 2012


Leaving the Game

Hi everyone!

It's become clear to me that along with writing my PhD thesis and modding two other games, I just do not have the time to keep up with DYBIM's activity requirements for the next two months at least. So that I don't get in the way of anyone else by my spotty activity, I've decided to leave the game. It's been really fun and I hope to play with you guys again in the future!


(PS. If anyone wants to pick up Sugar, just let me know. I'd be happy to turn over this journal to a player who has more available time.)

Apr. 1st, 2012



Activity Rule

Regarding the new activity rule. It has to be a one journal post AND thread in a week for each character that you play.

The following people still need to confirm they understand have read the rule by email AND thread:
Email - Brayden, Dhi, Dragon, DVQ, Jen, Jean, Jessica, Kaitlyn, Mol. Another email has been sent.
Thread - Brayden, Dhi, Dragon, Jean, Mol. Thread link is here.

We are giving the listed people another week to confirm they understand the new rule. If they haven't by weeks end we will kick them out of DYBIM.

DYBIM mods

Going Away!

Hey, guys! Rose here. I just wanted to let you know that DVQ and I are going away for a few days. We won't be able to be online until we return on Wednesday. We'll miss you all!

Mar. 30th, 2012



Hi everyone!

Having apparently fallen asleep in the middle of yet another conversation yesterday, I want to apologize for my delay in replying to non-journal tags lately. I just got a new job offer that requires me to move about six hours away, and since part of the reason I'm leaving my current job is the insane hours and level of work, I'm a little overwhelmed with moving/slogging through my last two weeks. ;)

Things should settle down in about three weeks - my new gig has promised steadier hours and a less ridiculous set of responsibilities, but in the meantime I'll be doing my best to keep up as much as possible. I'm in CST, so if I suddenly stop replying/chatting late in the evening for me, I promise I'm not trying to be rude, I probably fell asleep. I've woken up at four in the morning or so with my face in the keyboard every day this week.

Thanks for your patience and I'm sorry for the delays, especially in the middle of all this great plot! If I owe you a tag please feel free to poke and prod me about it.



Mod Note!

Hey everyone!

Hopefully, you've just gotten an e-mail. If not, leave a note with your e-mail address and I'll see what I did wrong.

If not, I just want to remind everyone of the rule change and reminders in DYBIM.

1 - We ask that members post as their characters at least once a week in their journals and once a week partaking in a thread. If you have a teacher, it's once every two weeks.

2 - Participation and interaction between characters are encouraged. Leave open threads and reply to them. You can make a new thread or reply in an open post. (Speaking for myself, I know if I have an open post, one thread can be for one person and the new comment/thread can happen after the initial interaction.) It doesn't matter if it's a day or two or a week later, but reply. No one's judging or anything, we all understand that things come up. It's awkward, but it's okay. :) Let's all be awkward together!

3 - If you are on hiatus or currently still on hiatus, please let us know. E-mail us, IM us, or set up an OOC post. Keep in touch with us. Besides knowing if you're still on OOC, we just want to make sure you're okay. That's all. :)

If you've read everything above, please prove it by giving your reaction to what's below the cut. )

Mar. 24th, 2012


[No Subject]

Hey guys, have you seen Super 8?

Because I found itty bitty Lonnie and Meru )



Who won?

Yes there was a quidditch game that Figgins and the staff greatly encourage to help get the kids mind of Lady Nyx and the news.

Gryffindor WINS!

Current standing:
Gryffindor: W-2 L-0
Hufflepuff: W-1 L-1
Ravenclaw: W-0 L-3
Slytherin: W-1 L-0

Mar. 22nd, 2012


Advising threads with Sue ;)

If anyone wants to thread advising with Sue, I'll put up an open post tomorrow/late tonight with comment threads for the whole week - sorry for not tossing an open post up with her in a more timely fashion, work totally killed me this week and Sue takes a lot more concentration. ;)

Mar. 20th, 2012


So who loves Dawn?

I was wondering if any of our great players has a livejournal? I am trying to bring my journal back to life and I would love you guys! Here is an easy link. Feel free to add me but you will have to tell me who you are as my journal is private.

I guess I should also mention I have a tumblr. Another easy link. I am mostly a reblog tumblr so don't look for something personal there!

Mar. 19th, 2012


[No Subject]

My lovelies!

I missed you all a ridiculous amount while I was across the pond, but now I am back home with my laptop (and bunny)! I've semi-tried to keep up with what's happened the last couple weeks, but if there's anything super important I should know or if anyone wants to plot anything just let me know!

Goodbye to Charlie

Hey guys! Rose here.

I'm just writing to let you know that I've decided to drop Charlie. I've been thinking about it a lot and I just don't know what to do with his character. I don't really have a clear idea of who his is or his goals and that makes it hard to do much with him. And I'd just rather spend that time developing Rue and Artemis more.

I know this means we have one less guy. Sorry about that! Thanks for understanding.

Mar. 16th, 2012



It's Regionals Time!

Hey everyone! Alexine here with a little debriefing of Regionals and what will take place.

In a few minutes, I will be posting a train-starting thread. Later tonight, everyone will get sleeping arrangements, set lists, and costumes. Will I be nice? We shall see. (If I do forget your character though, let me know and if worse comes to worse, they can room with whoever they want.)

Here's the schedule for the next two days.

- Regionals is being held in Columbus, Ohio, with the Gleeks travelling early in the morning by train to arrive in Ohio on time for their Regionals performance. The 2010 Midwest Show Choir Regional Championship will take place at the same hotel they're staying at, mostly out of convenience.
- Jim, Sincere, Sue, and Emma have kindly volunteered to chaperone the trip.
- The Ohio State Regionals Competition will take place that afternoon, with the competition in the form of Aural intensity and the Lima Community College Hipsters. Winners will be announced the day of Regionals.
- That night, there'll be a celebratory dinner at Breadstix, followed by a DANCE/MIXER with the other groups! It's going to be a big thread for dancing, mingling, eating, and everything else.
- At midnight, New Directions will have lights out and they'll be asked to retire to their assigned rooms. Of course, whether or not your character actually listens is a different matter entirely. Just don't get caught if you're switching rooms!

- The day off! Fresh off their victory/loss/tie at Regionals, New Directions will have the day to explore the city of Columbus and do as they want. But remember, no magic for underage wizards and witches!
- Right after dinner, the New Directions will hop back on the Hogwarts Express and make their way back to school. Hopefully, no shenanigans will happen...

If you have any questions, please don't be afraid to ask! Any requests (especially evil ones) for rooming arrangements, please e-mail the mods or send me an IM (even if I'm not online, I will get the message).

Mar. 12th, 2012


New Character - Sincere

Yes, since I'm a character whore, I've picked up my third.

Sincere Hope Lennon teaches Muggle Studies and also runs the school library, since Muggle Studies is an elective and therefore has fewer classes. She was brought up by Hippies (hence the name) and is still very 'peace and love' at heart. She's definately one of the good guys. My assumption is that people kind of hit on her all the time (because she's smokin hot) but she's too innocent to take any offence. My assumption is that most of the students like her well enough, since she's mostly harmless. She is Muggle born though, so each character will have to figure out if that matters. Sin seems to know all of the students, even though many of them aren't in her classes.

Oh, and she'll insist you don't call her 'professor.' Either call her Sincere, Sin, Miss Sin, or Miss Sincere.

She can't wait to immerse the whole school in Muggle experiences (like the ski trip!). Can't wait to get her started.

Mar. 11th, 2012


[No Subject]

Woo! I have no way to charge my computer!

See you all soon.


Mar. 10th, 2012



Mod Note!

Hello dear members! Just a few notes from the mods!

- Since Dawn is on a small hiatus, you can come to or email Katie or I with any problems or anything that's amiss. Don't be afraid, we won't bite or spank. Handcuffs are a different story.

- Hogsmeade and Regionals will be switched. Today, a Hogsmeade post will be made and next week, Glee will be heading to Regionals! Shenanigans will ensue.

- For current members, there will be a temporary halt on creating OCs. New members joining can make an OC (to join), but if you want to pick up another character, we ask you consider one of the canon characters. If you know someone that would love to play or would like to take someone like Quinn or Artie or even Will, let them know! As soon as a few canon characters are picked up, additional OCs will be allowed again.

- Check out the mod journal! It really looks like a school website, doesn't it? You can thank Katie for that one!

- We hope everyone is having a good time! :) You guys are fabulous! ♥

Mar. 7th, 2012


[No Subject]

I am going to be taking a short break from DYBIM. There has been a lot of stuff happening in my life yet again and I am just not 100% here. I might make a post now and then just so my characters don't completely die but I wont really be role playing anything.
