April 1st, 2012


Going Away!

Hey, guys! Rose here. I just wanted to let you know that DVQ and I are going away for a few days. We won't be able to be online until we return on Wednesday. We'll miss you all!



Activity Rule

Regarding the new activity rule. It has to be a one journal post AND thread in a week for each character that you play.

The following people still need to confirm they understand have read the rule by email AND thread:
Email - Brayden, Dhi, Dragon, DVQ, Jen, Jean, Jessica, Kaitlyn, Mol. Another email has been sent.
Thread - Brayden, Dhi, Dragon, Jean, Mol. Thread link is here.

We are giving the listed people another week to confirm they understand the new rule. If they haven't by weeks end we will kick them out of DYBIM.

DYBIM mods