Doctor Who Icontest
Through the Vortex and Back Again

User: [info]autumnjoy
Date: 2008-09-28 23:23
Subject: Challenge 23: Black and White
Security: Public
Tags:# submissions, . black and white, 23

So the reason this challenge is being posted a littler later than usual is that I've just returned from a weekend away for a wedding. Good times, but exhausting, and I didn't have the chance to look for this week's screencaps. So here's your challenge this week: Black and White. Any season, any episode, any scene, or even any promotional photo, but NO COLOR!

Basic challenge guidelines are here.

  • You may use ANY screencap or promo shot you want. (No behind the scenes pics.)

  • You may submit up to THREE different icons for this challenge. Submit them in a comment to this post; all comments will be screened.

  • Any kind of textures, brushes, gradients, text, etc. are allowed; animation is not.

  • It's a one-week challenge. Icons will be due no later than 9am (EST) Saturday October 4th.

Places to look for Doctor Who images:
Doctor Who Screencap Gallery
Ninth Doctor Screencaps
In a Dream caps DW caps
Doctor Who Verse Caps

Or, just scroll back through the challenge posts here at [info]dwicontest. I haven't deleted any of the pictures, so they should all still be there.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Happy iconing!

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