Doctor Who Icontest - May 10th, 2009
Through the Vortex and Back Again

User: [info]dwicontest (posted by [info]autumnjoy)
Date: 2009-05-10 21:39
Subject: Challenge 50: Favorite Episode
Security: Public
Tags:# submissions, . favorite episode, 50

For the 50th challenge, it's all about you and your favorite episode!

Pick your favorite episode and make up to three icons from it. It can be any episode, Christmas special or Children In Need special -- whichever one most especially strikes your fancy. The only catch is that all three of your icons MUST be from the same episode.

You can use any screencaps or promo pictures that you like. Here are some good places to find them:
Doctor Who Screencap Gallery
The Ninth Doctor Screencaps
Sonic Biro
The Gallery at Chaotic Creative
Doctor Who Screencaps at
The Doctor Who tag @ Cap It

Basic challenge guidelines are here.

  • You may submit up to THREE different icons for this challenge. Blending of screencaps is allowed. Submit them in a comment to this post; all comments will be screened.

  • Any kind of textures, brushes, gradients, text, etc. are allowed; animation is not.

  • It's a one-week challenge. Icons will be due no later than 3 pm(EST) Saturday May 16th.

Feel free to ask if you have any questions, and Happy Iconing!

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