Monday, July 7th, 2008

Drabble: Behind the Mask (Discworld)

Author: Hyel
Title: Behind the Mask
Rating: B
Characters: Susan and Tiffany
Description: Written for no-true-pair. Just a wee thing on how Susan and Tiffany might take each other.

Behind the Mask

'I am not afraid of you,' said the girl, without a shudder or a drop of sweat on her broad young forehead. )
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Wednesday, June 25th, 2008

Fic: Big Bad Things

Title: Big Bad Things
Rating: C
Characters: Maladict, Susan, OCs
Author's Note: Originally written for No True Pair and the prompt Susan and Maladict as characters in a fairy-tale.
Word Count: 2865
Warning: bloodletting, creepiness, death, superfluous Blackadder reference

The fairytale settled in. )
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Thursday, March 27th, 2008

Susan Icon

So, I was putzing around on Photoshop today, trying to make icons, and I came up with this one:

The original image is from Hogfather (the movie). Take, enjoy, rinse, repeat.
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