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Tuesday, August 5th, 2008

    Time Event
    August 5th, 2008

    who. drusilla
    what. drusilla is back in action and decides to go out and feed.
    when. late at night
    where. the central park; cleveland
    locked to. willow and dawn
    status. incomplete

    Echoes cluttered every direction, mockingly and triumphant - though at this point of insanity it was hard to depict which real and which were her imagination. The differences didn't matter to Drusilla, because she had faith in the moon and catered to it's words as if it were a real person. She didn't underestimate, nor contradict. These were gifts, however, and should be treated tenderly. It had been months, perhaps longer, since she involved in anything permanent that could cause speculation. There were tow brothers on the loose that she didn't to run against. It was risky as a solitary vampire and she was so use to having someone to rely on. Her family was broken apart, and Spike made it clear their last encounter that his allegiance was irreversible. There were tricks up her sleeve, but she was willing to risk loosing all the cards until she was certain a trump was plausible.

    She didn't mind. It gave her proper time to just be a vampire. She played, she feasted, she taunted. It was all in good favor. But the loneliness of it all had her taking up the company of dolls, again. She replaced Miss Edith with a dollie that had a worse temper then her ancestor, but adored her masochism that punishment was rarely an option. But tonight? Miss Edith Junior wouldn't comply, nor have the least bit of respect for her superiors. She mocked her ability to change the stars and Drusilla didn't like those odds - true as they were. She had Miss Edith tied up to the bed post and the fact the dollie wouldn't move otherwise, hadn't prevented Dru from conspiring stronger restraints. "See what happens when you play with those pigs? You'll think twice before you go in that pen again." She barked, but more ferocious then her usual playful style.

    "If I spot your hands red again, I'll bite them off." Or lick them clean, whichever. She curled her lips into a pout, then puckered them before relaxing. She knew the stars were changing, despite if Edith didn't think so. Angelus was back. The slayer was breaking. And Spike? He would come around soon. Hadn't he always insisted into temptation? She knew him more then that slayer had and she knew how to unfold him. She could play him like a fiddle, like any sire seemed to. He was chipless now, which would make the process much easier. But for now she was starving. The martyr against Edith wasn't satisfying her appetite either. It was weird feeding alone on a frequent basis. It wasn't as thrilling we didn't have a partner in crime.

    come play with me )

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