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Monday, July 28th, 2008

    Time Event
    July 28th, 2008

    who. justice harvelle
    what. a flashback from the past before justice realizes sanity is a privilege.
    when. a month after being a demon; nighttime.
    where. angel's apartment.
    status. one-shot complete

    you try your hardest to perfect your explanations

    Cruelty gave birth the moment earth was created; a enormity that nourishes on the fatalities of hope, exuberance, and love. It threads it's womb from the finest fabrics of delinquency, tailored down in every stand of hate. It convinces individuals - such as ourselves - that we subjected to nefarious sins and are completely capable of defying our principles. It waits hungrily, never satisfied and infinitely merciless.

    you lie until they've run out of questions

    Justice recalled herself caving into that ardor far too early in life, helpless, consumed by it's potentiality. She was taught cruelty without discretion, knowing it's presence every insult her mother would jive. Or that feeling of filthy and violation when she was tooken by a man, over and over again, reminded that she was worthless. She believed every word, every syllable, every fucking vowel. It was easier to accept inferiority, since the prize meant nothing would ever be expected of you. She could be lifeless. Even if that meant forfeiting her humanity. Sacrifices had to be made, right?

    the empty shape in you )


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