dust till dawn → a quality supernatural/buffy rpg's Journal
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Wednesday, March 19th, 2008

    Time Event
    March 19th, 2008
    who. ruby
    what. ruby comes to town, in search for the winchester boys.
    when. after the buffy/angel thread
    rating. tba.
    locked to. dean winchester
    status. incomplete

    she's just a devil woman with evil on her mind

    Cleveland, Ohio was a place that Ruby had seen dozens of times, if not more. New buildings were erected, new streets paved, new people walked the alleys, but it was ever the same. Cleveland might have looked like any other place during the day with it's monotonous shops, restaurants, and parks, but at night -- at night, the demons came out to play. The things that went 'bump' in the night turned those bumps into roars, and the people of Cleveland remained ever oblivious, too involved in their pathetic existances to really see what lurked in the shadows.

    Ruby just happened to be one of the demons that lurked there.

    beware the devil woman )
    4 reply

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