Electric Storm RPG's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Electric Storm RPG

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[09 Aug 2008|12:45am]
[ music | Danity Kane - Ain't Going (Bonus Track) ]

Who: Leah Clearwater & Jared!
Where: La Push
When: Thursday evening
What: A bit of snark can go a long way with these two...
Rating: PG-13, because you know they'll be calling each other all sorts of names...

When the red light comes on I transform. )

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[09 Aug 2008|11:10am]
Who: Jacob Black & Edward Cullen (and a baby!)
Where: The Cullen house
When: Saturday morning
What: Jake gets breakfast and finds Edward
Rating: PG-13, Jake has a potty mouth sometimes

She should get the Nobel Peace Prize )
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Hello Awkward =D [09 Aug 2008|12:56pm]
Who: Sam & Leah
Where: First Beach.
When: Friday morning.
Rating: Errr, PG 13 for language, maybe? And 'L' for a completely LAME starter because it is rushed. XD

So, how's life treating you? )
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[09 Aug 2008|11:08pm]
Who: Rachel Black and Open to any of the Cullen's or Jake
Where: Close to the Cullen house
When: Saturday Night
What: Rachel goes to join her brother, no matter how annoying he may find that.
Rating: PG-13, because it's Rachel

It wasn't like she was leaving them, but if she could choose Alpha's she chose Jake. )
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[09 Aug 2008|11:10pm]
[ music | Arctic Monkeys - Cigarette Smoker Fiona ]

Who: Leah and Seth Clearwater
What: sibling love, mayhaps??
Where: House of the Clearwaterssss!
When: Saturday night -- after finding out about Rachelface
Ratig: Leah should be warning enough with that mouth of hers(I did not plan it, I swears) So PG-13

when all you can say is the eff word, you know it's gotta be bad. )

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[09 Aug 2008|11:38pm]
WHO: Embry and Rachel.
WHAT: On an inside date.
WHEN: Backdated to yesterday, November 9.
WHERE: Embry's house.
STATUS: Incomplete.

heaven sends and heaven takes / crashing cars in his brain / keep him tied up to a dream / and only she can set him free )
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