December 2017



24th October 2017



[No Subject]


Cat tax because formatting is for people who aren't sick. m'kay? m'kay. ♥

[info]dump_logs JOURNALS POSTED HERE SVP! this:
a) helps me stay organised (chaaaaaartssssss);
b) keeps things IG if anyone decides to be rude and leave us for some reason;
c) no need to hit up the friend button ever again! UM CONVENIENT! THANKS JEN! You're very welcome, m'loves.

[info]dump_memes have a meme you want to play? go ahead! IC or OOC get crazy;

[info]dump_npc to be used if we decide this is a thing we want to incorporate for smaller plots since we won't be advertising;

[info]dump_ooc straight forward. gimme your intros;

[info]the_dump for the threads that Dani really wants to start posting lol ♥

Those who have not yet submitted apps: DO THAT THING!

Those who have submitted apps:

Timeline: have whatever they had on them sans other living things (this includes horcruxes you loop hole seekers *ahem* myself). They have no choice in this matter, they can either walk through a portal by accident or get sucked up in their sleep. Wands are the only item that will come with them even if it was not on them to begin with.

Other "Villages": While everyone had to have started off from the canon timeline, characters can have come from other similar displaced villages. They also have whatever they had on them, but they do get to bring along other living things be that children or pets or pet plants. They also have a choice in this a point. They can either choose to go through the portal that appears or they will be sucked up by a black hole type anomaly and dumped out in the mud.

HERE are pictures of things around the dump to help get everyone situated (I will, at some point, fill that shit out. ask questions if you have any ♥).

As you can see everything is really run down and over grown. Characters can either leave it as it is or work towards improving their conditions with magic.

Map from old game for simplicities sake:
Beach = North
Mountains = West
Rest is all wooded area for now that gets thicker the more Southeast you go.

TREEHOUSES! These are one or two bed little rooms up in the trees that you can get to via rope ladders and vines. These are not the sturdiest of things, so have fun if you want to fail and fall into all of that glorious mud below.

TOILETS! There are a couple toilets in the trunk of the trees as well as a few randomly scattered about in the mountains that you can get to via climbing crazy wooden rollar coaster contraptions. Or, you know, flying, or appariating like a sensible person. (psssssh)

SHOWERS! are wide open and on the beach ;) hello. You COULD board these up, I guess. Also the watering hole could be a nice place to bathe if you really felt the need to polute the world with wonderful bubbles.

Businesses are lower down in the trees. They are run down and littered with boxes. Things will have to be cleaned up if you want to get that diner up and running or the hospital or the apothecary...don't just go for the books Remus, there are legit priorities. It's a dump, so new things (useful/broken/otherwise) will be popping in on a semi-regular basis).

Characters are free to fill their time getting these businesses going (really, what else are they going to do?) others can free load. If too many are doing this, the magic of the dump may get testy and start forcing shit via emptying your glass of whiskey before it touches your lips or making your dinner hard enough to crack teeth. Do your part and the dump may not dump on you lol.

These are random things found around the dump that may or may not make sense in their environment. A living room set in the middle of the forest? A piano that unfortunately popped up through a tree? A half buried carnival? A life sized game of chess? A crack in the entire universe popping out half eaten apples? A lot of "trash" and unwanted items will be popping in. Think of any time in previous games that people and or items have disappeared. They have to go some place.

Have fun with it.