Dublin Storylines' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Dublin Storylines

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[01 Sep 2015|12:32am]
Okay, throwing this lovely lady out! This is Miranda Sheridan, "twin" sister to Andrew down there. She's actually a couple of months older than him and was obviously adopted. She co-owns The Sheridan Grill & Pub with him but is an accountant by trade and still holds accounts for a few smaller businesses. She is very single and likes it that way. She is a lover of wine, karaoke, and dancing in her underwear. She's super friendly and likes just about everyone. GIMME LINES.
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[01 Sep 2015|01:47pm]
Hello, hello! This is Piers Van Ness, father, spaz and radio personality. He was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, educated at Oxford, and arrived in Dublin in the last month or so. As someone who grows antsy easily, he felt it was time for a sabbatical from his job (with not terribly serious intentions of returning to it) and decided Dublin was the place to go. He's a boisterous and excitable creature, always ready with a good pun or ridiculous joke, and loves all things social. Line wise, he's an open book and needs everything and anything!
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[01 Sep 2015|11:50pm]
Hello everyone!

My name's Jenn, new here. Bringing this guy in

Eric Moore is a 27 year old personal trainer and single dad to an adorable three year old girl. He's also a former playboy and general rich kid brat, smartened up when he got a girl pregnant and was disowned for wanting to step up and be a dad as opposed to taking off or getting it 'taken care of' like his parents wanted. Unfortunately for him, after his daughter was born, the mom couldn't deal with the pressures of raising a kid so she bailed, leaving Eric to do it on his own.

He had some help though [info]claireelise is his cousin and [info]brmoore is his aunt they babysit sometimes so he can go out or, if he has to work, give him all the support and good stuff his parent's refuse to give him.

Line wise, friends old and new, exes maybe?, clients. I would *love* to get his babymama in game at some point... pretty much up for anything and everything so have at me!
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