Dublin Storylines' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Dublin Storylines

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[24 Jun 2015|11:42am]
Hey, everyone! I'm planning on bringing in Nadine Howell, a character very similar to Nina Sayers from Black Swan. She'll have moved from the UK to Ireland a few years ago to join Ballet Ireland, and is aiming to become the primary ballerina there.

A few things about her!

- She's very career driven.
- She's mildly obsessed with her dancing.
- She's a little quiet, but very friendly.
- 27 years of age.

I'd love any kind of line for her! Friendship, romance, whatever. I won't be using this journal for her, but feel free to leave a comment in my dropbox if you want to work anything out!
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[ viewing | June 24th, 2015 ]
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