Dublin Storylines' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Dublin Storylines

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[13 Jun 2015|08:15pm]
Hello Lovelies! Looking to possibly bring this wonderful lady to the game. Her name is Sonja, she's in her mid twenties and she's going to be originally from Dublin. Don't really got anything else for her other than her personality, so far.

She's a very hard headed person and likes things her way. She's sassy and isn't afraid to voice her opinions on things and has a very odd sense of humor. She's a little bit of old school rock & roll mixed with a little bit of bubble gum princess at times. She's known to be very sweet and smiley one second only to put a middle finger in your face the next. She doesn't really have a filter on my mouth and her favorite word is probably fuck. Which she can make a whole sentence out of the word. She has talents...oh yes she does. lol

If anyone could use her for anything, hit me up! I'm willing to throw her into any kind of line and work out anything and everything!
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