Dublin Storylines' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Dublin Storylines

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[20 May 2015|02:22pm]
Hey all I bring you Everley Linkston. 31 year old attorney and cancer survivor. Shes from London and moved to Dublin a couple of years ago to be closer to her older sister. Lines wise all I have for her is a romantic interest so I'd love to get her some friends, neighbors, exes, anything along those lines or if she can fill any lines for anybody I'd love to work that out too. She's super friendly, a little naive, loves to travel and at the end of the day she genuinely believes in the good in people. Yes even with her line of work she finds that she has too to survive in a way. Also she's a huge animal lover and has two cats she adopted from a homeless shelter.
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[20 May 2015|11:00pm]
This is Iris Gordon, she's the mother of 7 kids and is married to [info]rasmeyy. She is a native of Dublin, born and raised. She is a social worker and....well anything else there are some facts about her up. I would love some lines, give me whatcha got!
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