dual reality ₪ out of character community's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
dual reality ₪ out of character community

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[06 Jul 2016|08:07pm]
Oh. Hi.

I'm Trin. I'm currently on a cross country trip. So if I disappear for a day or two, we are at a primitive site with no wifi or cell service. I left June 14th and I'll be back sometime in the middle of September. But don't worry most of the time I have wifi. I pout at the Momma if I do not. She knows this.


Anyways, I bring Death from the Sandman series by Neil Gaiman. She's epic, okay? She knows everyone - she gives the breath of life, and the last breath. She'll know of your near-death experiences and if you're a vampire she'll know you from birth, death and will have watched you be reborn as a vampy.


I won't do more than hint at it in any logs. She won't come out and say anything unless a character mentions seeing death or needs an example of something. I try to keep that part on the down-low so please don't be worried, she tries to downplay it anyways. And often will just go "We've had a lot of close encounters" or something rather vague. XD

Anyways, currently, I am in the Central Time Zone. Tomorrow we should be in the Mountain Time Zone. DONT WORRY IM AS CONFUSED AS YOU ARE. You can always, ALWAYS, reach me by email at nikolatthedisco @ gmail.com please abuse it.

ANYWAYS. happy to be here!

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