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[11 Jul 2016|08:44am]
Hidy-ho, everyone!

Ya boy D-Piddy here, come to annoy you all and sate my writer's apparent unhealthy need to put me in as many games as his fucked up mind can handle.

So someone gimme the 411 on what's going on around here.

[11 Jul 2016|09:28am]
Maybe I've seen too much already, but my first impulse is to think my being here is the result of something Tony did.

Avengers check in: Sam? Wanda? Vision? Rhodey? Natasha?


[11 Jul 2016|01:54pm]
Howard Stark, if you are behind this...you and I going to have a very serious conversation, stat.

Steve can't really be here, can he?

[11 Jul 2016|02:48pm]
...this is really not where I remember being last. Only plus side is the new phone- What is going on?

[11 Jul 2016|03:19pm]
I'm a little disoriented.

What is going on here?

[11 Jul 2016|03:44pm]
I call bullshit on this.

Someone has to know something.

[ viewing | July 11th, 2016 ]
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