Musebox for all of DryadGurrl's pups' Journal
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Below are the 6 most recent journal entries recorded in Musebox for all of DryadGurrl's pups' InsaneJournal:

    Friday, September 30th, 2011
    1:09 pm
    But why can't I be in the game yet? Melly needs me! And she can totally hide me so that Papa's head doesn't go 'splodey, I mean, that's what she's going to do anyway when I do get there!
    Tuesday, September 6th, 2011
    7:46 pm
    TFLN meme!
    Give me one of your characters and one of mine (past or present!) and I will give you one to three of their Texts From Last Night!

    Which means either I'll find one that I think is suitable, or I'll make one the hell up, because that's how I roll.
    3:57 pm
    Headcanon meme!
    Give me any of my characters (past or present) and I will give you at least ten facts about them according to my own personal canon.
    This can range from their birthday, favorite color or even their earliest memory up to what they had last night for dinner.
    3:53 pm
    Radical Honesty meme!
    Have one of your characters (or just you, for the fun of it!) ask one of mine (past or present!) a question. It can be anything, and my characters have to answer honestly.
    3:50 pm
    Sexytiem meme!
    Step 1: Comment asking about any character I currently play, or any that you know I've played before and happen to be curious about.
    Step 2: Receive three bits of trivia about their sexuality: practices, preferences, experiences, fantasies, kinks, etc.
    Step 3: ???
    Step 4: PROFIT!
    3:49 pm
    Love Notes Meme
    Give me one of your characters and one of mine (past or present!) I will write a love note from mine to yours.
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