Tuesday, August 4th, 2009

WHO: Belle Pritchard and Gabriel Rivers.
WHAT: Being impressed surprised.
WHERE: The Astronomy Tower.
WHEN: September 4th, at night.
RATING: If Belle had her way it would be NC-17 baby TBA, not above PG-13.
STATUS: Incomplete/Closed.

just keep tugging, pushing, pulling on my little heart strings. got me all tied up in knots every time i see your face, oh it brings out, it brings out the girl in me. )
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Monday, July 20th, 2009

Who: Edgar Finch-Fletchley and Belle Pritchard
Where: Pritchard residence
When: Monday afternoon
What: Dancing Lessons
Rating: Umm higher than PG but not too terrible
Status: Partial Log; incomplete thread

Teach me to Dance )
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Sunday, July 19th, 2009

Who: Belle and Teagan
When: Sunday morning?
Where: Teagan's house
What: Teagan wants advice. Minus the 'act like a whore' bit.
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

put a little something in our lemonade, and take it with us. we're half-awake in a fake empire. )
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